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Instagram - Daily
Instagram - Daily


Service NSW
Business Profile


Data Research
Problem Framing
Concept Design
Hi-fidelity Prototyping


2 weeks sprint


2 Product Designers
2 Software Engineers
1 Product Manager
1 Content Designer

Business Profile
Notification opt-in

In this case study, I detailed our design process for enhancing the notification opt-in experience within an existing NSW government application called "Business Profile." The Service NSW Business Profile assists business owners in managing their applications for business licenses, grants, and vouchers. Our current opt-in solution, an onboarding opt-in modal, has not achieved the desired engagement levels. Consequently, many users miss out on receiving crucial information about their businesses and available programs. Therefore, there is a need to develop a strategy to re-engage active users and encourage them to opt-in to our notifications.

High-level problem

Our current opt-in solution is not achieving the desired engagement levels, resulting in many users missing out on critical information about their businesses and available programs. Customers lack sufficient knowledge about the Business Profile to be motivated to receive notifications at that moment.

Since notifications have been launched, 27k over 500k account users have opt-in notifications through our onboarding modal; this represents less than 5% of the overall account numbers.

Primary objective

Increase the number of active users who opted-in Notifications in the Business Profile.

Our approach

We’ve created a journey map to outline all the user actions and identify the opt-in opportunity areas.

We developed quite a few less resistance pathways for users to opt-in. Including:

  • Send a welcome email with details about their business profile, including notifications.

  • Contextual opt-in to the notifications before the completion of their application

  • Onboarding opt-in modal revamp (Done)

  • Contextual opt-in within the Licence manager

Based on our data, the Licence manager is the most used feature within the Business Profile for active users. We decided to prioritise this opportunity to work on.

Project brief

The licence manager within the Business Profile allows users to search, save and follow licences that belong to them and employees at their business. They can receive emails & SMSs alerting them of changes to licences saved, but only if they opt in to "Update" notifications.

Problem statement

Users of the licence manager need to opt into notifications to receive updates about saved licences. However, most users have not opted in and will not receive notifications.

Project goal

Guide users (with existing accounts who haven't opted in) to opt into notifications to ensure they receive relevant licence notifications.

Existing flow

We’ve mapped out the existing user flow within the Licence Manager to visualise the potential opportunities touchpoint better. Users (Business owners) can search and save their employee licences under their business profile for tracking purposes (i.e. get an alert when a licence expires).

Brainstorming session

I paired up with the other designer to conduct a brainstorming session to generate ideas based on the existing flow. We then group similar ideas and come up with 2 main ideas.

  1. Intercept people with an opt-in modal when they save their first licence

  2. Including opt-in opportunity (In-page alert) when user track their employee licence on the Licence manager

Anticipated User Flow

To minimise the interception of the user experience, we’ve mapped out the anticipated user flow by implementing our opt-in design concepts. By introducing the contextual opt-in modal at the right time, coherent with users’ previous actions, we anticipate a more likely response rate and less threat to the user experience to encourage users to opt-in notifications for their benefits.

An opt-in modal when they save their first licence:

An opt-in opportunity (In-page alert) when user track their employee licence on the Licence manager:

After mapping out the anticipated user flow, we discovered there might be a point of resistance if we implement an opt-in notification in page alert when users track their employee licence. This deviates from the user's primary goal of checking their employee licences, thus creating a poor user experience.


To provide the least resistance opt-in flow, we’ve merged the successful message with the notification opt-in modal, so it’s coherent with users’ previous action, successfully adding and saving an employee licence. This solution not only provides a notification opt-in opportunity but also gives apparent feedback to users once they add and save a licence.

Results within 1 month

2.2k New subscribers

36% conversion rate, surpass 17% conversion with our onboarding modal design

40% opted for both sms and email notifications subscription

16% users clicked ‘Dismiss’ or ‘Save’ button without selecting preference option, decided to setup preferences later

Closing notes

Contextual opt-in has a higher conversion rate: Users feel less threatened by small steps that are coherent with their previous actions. Introducing the contextual opt-in modal at the right time encourages users to opt-in to notifications by understanding the potential benefits that they could obtain. Contextual opt-in is crucial and outplays a “hard” opt-in popup since reactivating notifications after they've disabled/ignored them is a big ask.

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Clement Tam

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Clement Tam

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Clement Tam